The shadows of man. We fight the natural man but 
what happens during this hostile encounter?

"You may either win your peace or buy it; win it, by resisting evil; or buy it, by compromising with evil." -John Ruslom

There is no plain evil, but in the moments that we have been given we chose to do wrong or right.

Definition of Evil: profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.

The world is not sinless & yet expects perfection.
Sorry but I have sinned.
I guess I must leave the room for saying that.
I am DY4RANT for this & my differences show who I am.

"I didn't belong as a kid, & that always bothered me. If only i'd known that one day my differentness would have been much easier." -Bette Midler

I feel nothing, as though my soul has been stolen by the devil!
I can't do it! -my body says
I don't know my life! -my mind says
I don't know my childhood. -I say...
Who was I?
My heart gets crushed so easily & I don't know why.
I have complete trust in anyone, but why is it hard for others to trust in me?

Am I too foreign?
Am I too much European to handle?
Yet I was born in 'Emerica', raised by America, & yet I have the burning passion of my motherland.
So I am not a robot?
I feel dreams.
I smell the color yellow when I feel happy.
I taste red as pain seeps through my cuts and scabs.
I am...

Don't paint your life with lies just to make it look decretive.
Leave that chair bare, free of varnish, free of paint, & free of deceit.
Show the real you.
No lies.
All truth; even if it hurts when you feel the splinters in your hands.


  1. This was hard to read. I didn't even get half way through it. But still good. Way to be #different

    1. sorry dude, any suggestions on how to rewrite it?

  2. This is my favorite out of all your posts! great job!

  3. Don't paint your life with lies just to make it look decretive.
    Leave that chair bare, free of varnish, free of paint, & free of deceit.
    Show the real you.
    No lies.
    All truth; even if it hurts when you feel the splinters in your hands.

    your so inspiring
