Childhood Bricks

Not remembering my childhood is the best decision of my life. 
I don't remember all the weight that I had to bear when I was a wee lad. 
I imagine my childhood as a normal kid.
Doing the homework that my teachers gave me & playing with everyone during recess was the dream. 
In reality I was born sick. 
I never got over it. 
Homework was work with no pay to me. 
I got another class just to think through my life. 
Recess though; that was fun. 
I forgot my situations & lived a boys' dream. 
I played football with my best friend & was the star running back. 
I felt important. 
Now back to the life. 
My special class gave me bricks to help with my problems. 
I took all my bricks and stacked them in my backpack. 
I guess I needed all I could get because of my situations. 
I forgot to do my homework again & got twice as much bricks to make up the difference. 
Being crushed by the weight I continued to live this way. 
No one told me that I could be living a normal boys life.
They told me that there is a better way now.
I wish they told me this before it was too late.
Having gathered all those bricks from all those years has strengthened me to carry on.
Now I continue to carry on a few bricks. 
I didn't want to forget how I become the person I am today. 
I just remember my bricks & how they built me into a brick man. 
I just wish I didn't have to give up my heart in order to survive the overwhelming burdens of my childhood problems- my childhood bricks.


  1. this is so good. thanks for sharing this.

  2. Whoa I read this post twice! way good great job!

  3. "I was born sick."

    This was a unique perspective on bricks. Personal and reflective.

  4. But optimistic, didn't want to sound like a downer.
