thee odd ball' hat

A hunting hat for lumber jacks... 

Not many people can think of that.  

Sometimes I wish I was a lumber jack.  

It seems as though they are predicted to be tough, like nothing can come in between them & their axe. 

They are so mentally strong & built like a brick wall, yet I am shoved aside like a piece of trash & not understood the full purpose of me.  

I wish I was a lumber jack. 

They wear their hats with pride and courage, knowing their job can be dangerous. 

They could die, yet they face death with a grin. 
 I have pride of what I am, but who am I?

  I know my ancestry & where I come from but what makes me.. the person who I am?  

Is it the hobbies that I do or is it the music I listen to?

  Is it the people I hang out with or is it the hat that I wear? 

The hat of a lumber jack.

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