Not Ready To Confess

Never revealing who I am.
Too busy & won't have the time to do it right.
Even then you don't need to know who I am.
It's not about the person.
It's all about the words, the music, & what you take out of my writing.
So give me something to read because I need to feed my inspired mind.
& without written word man kind is blind.
& without fear nothing can be conquered.
But the fear I face is a brick wall that never ends to the left & to the right.
Looking up this wall, it goes through the clouds & into space.
& no matter how hard I try, no matter what I do, I just can't face it. 
Not yet.
Can't break through it.
Fear closes in.
Confined on all sides this wall closes me in.
In a dark hole with a shadow of light a hundred miles above my head.
Not yet.
Just not today.


  1. the suspense is killing me. your blog is too good. please reveal. please.

  2. it's scary at first, but once you do it, you'll be glad you did. :)

  3. take your time grasshopper

    1. Best comment I've ever read. Showed this to grant, we literally laughed and it was that kind of laugh that wasn't through the nose, but a silent, mouth wide open kind of laugh.....

  4. Gah you're one of my favorites and this is killing me but you do you
